Sunday, June 24, 2012

This month's sketchbook

So my goal of writing one blog post a week seems to have proved a little bit much - once every two weeks might be a more realistic goal. As I apparently famously say, "I meant to, but... I didn't."

Here are some sketches from this past month. I haven't done much lately, as I got distracted with SiteLab (will post about that soon, but wanted to get sketchbook out first) and trying to find another part-time job, so most of these are from the beginning of the month.

"Robert Fucking Frost, man. He's like...."

Edible stars.

This is a sketch of a dream I had - I was sitting in my car while the Devil (who I don't believe in) was trying to get in. I knew the automatic locks would start to malfunction (because this was a dream, and I was half-aware of it), and sure enough, they did. Once he'd sat down in the passenger seat, I couldn't unlock my own door to get out. It was actually pretty terrifying, and I remember the feeling of being trapped and knowing the way out was maddeningly simple, but inaccessible. The drawing doesn't necessarily capture that feeling - it was much more about how huge and meaty the dude looked.

This is actually drawn in Vince's sketchbook, and I made sure to get a picture because I feel as though every time I draw in his sketchbook it turns out much more pretentious than something I would ever draw in my own sketchbook - with lines of Richard Siken poems all over it, etc. I don't know why this is.

Experimenting with quickly sketching something in with marker rather than pencil, and then refining things little by little. At first this looked like an incoherent scribble - I was surprised to see how accurate it turned out to be for how quick and mindless the initial process was.

Experimenting with shapes on people's faces. I thought it was going to become a "thing" for the next few sketches, but it did not. I left it here.

Every now and again I feel the urge to draw subject matter from high school. It signals a sort of creative step backwards to compose myself, either after extending myself too far or after a dry spell. I think I was listening to a lot of Fall Out Boy and Panic! At the Disco the week this was drawn.

I draw a LOT of people with massive noses looking glumly at the floor.

That's all for now - hopefully I'm going to be posting another post soon. I have a lot to post, actually, it's just a matter of finding the time.

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